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Entries by Tastebuddy (505)


Recipe of the week! Chicken and pistachio nut sandwiches


Recipe of the week - Baked whole rainbow trout with garlic pea mash

I have seen some amazing rainbow trout at the fishmongers, and a pea mash is a perfect Spring idea - this transitional season needs something fresh but comforting all at the same time.
Thank you Jez for this recipe!



Recipe of the week - Portuguese tarts!

Another favourite you used to go out for, try manking them at home they are easier than you think!



Recipe of the week - Dukkah, an Egyptian nutty, earthy salty crumble

This is an Egyptian "nutty, earthy salty crumble" usually made with hazelnuts, sesame seeds and spices, like this version.

So easy to make. You can use any nuts you like and switch it all up.
It instantly boosts a salad and so handy midweek to add some quick flavour.
You can coat fish with it, sprinkle it over eggs, or use commonly with a combination of olive oil and flatbread.
Many uses and so delicious!



Recipe of the week! Chocolate Guinness cake!

So many birthdays at the moment! I was reminded how amazing this cake is - a top hit favourite for many. And don't you love how it even looks like a Guinness!
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