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Recipe of the Week - Roast Lamb Indienne

Roast Lamb Indienne

I love creating an Indian feast for a dinner party - whether for 4 people or 12 - and this dish as centre stage is fantastic. It is so aromatic and the marinade really becomes one with the lamb. There is something special about Indian aromas in the kitchen all day as the meal comes together too.

I serve this always with yoghurt and my favourite shredded mango pickle from the Fijian Market in Newtown (Mother's Recipe). Is lovely with simple couscous or a basmati pilau - toast the rice in a little vegetable oil with a stick of cinnamon, a couple of cloves and cardamom pods, some salt, then add the water and cook according to instructions (I even make this in a rice cooker with the switch on warm to toast it then add the water etc).

I also believe all Indian meals need a dahl and a green - the Pumpkin Dahl with Basil and Split Peas is just brilliant, and the Spinach with Tomatoes and Coriander caps the meal off.

I was given three lamb leg, Indian-style recipes and on choosing which to publish this was the winner by far.

All recipes in Taste Buddy are cooked, tested and photographed by Chelsey Davies, creator of Taste Buddy.

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