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Recipe of the Week - Fish Tagine including Preserved Lemon Recipe

Fish Tagine including Preserved Lemon Recipe

This is so easy for a special evening dinner party, and a one pot meal too. Don't worry if you don't have your own tagine, a casserole dish will work just as well as long as you can seal it tightly to lock in the flavours. Is the season of citrus so am highlighting this recipe to encourage you to make your own preserved lemons also, while seasonal and cheap - all you need are some good sterilised jars, lemons and sea salt ! Too easy! And at min $12 a jar you will save a bundle - keep in mind it takes 5 or so weeks to preserve so if you want to make this dish tonight you will need to find some in the store, and they are readily available now in good delis - David Jones Food Hall for example.


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