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New recipe - mushroom and kimchi "sausage rolls"


I am cooking again!
Back with a great new vegetarian recipe- Mushroom and kimchi "sausage rolls".
These are awesome!




Recipe of the week - Blackberry clafoutis (clah-foo-tee)


Blackberry clafoutis (clah-foo-tee)

A French summer right there.

Traditionally with cherries which would make a great Christmas dessert.

I love this for dinner parties - I make the batter in advance, wash and scatter the berries or cherries in the dish. Oven ready. After main is served I pour over the batter and put it in the oven - it is ready just as mains are finished.

Bon Appétit!


Recipe of the week - Greek lamb stuffed with spinach and feta

I literally had a meal like this in Greece, and this is one of my favourite roasts of all time.
I love this combination.



Recipe of the week - beetroot cured trout/salmon

Thinking ahead with Christmas and party dishes that have some wow factor - here is one of my favourites.
Either serve as an entree with a salad, or on mini pikelets with a horseradish cream.
Looks so beautiful.



Recipe of the week - Vietnamese braised beef with lemongrass star anise and a peanut dust

What I am making today in the slow cooker as it is cold today!
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